Free Training

Sharing our knowledge of stack emissions monitoring

Our team has written a series of training documents that encompass all the basic checks and calculations to conduct compliant and accurate stack emissions testing. The series includes what equipment is required, testing methods that can be used, and detailed explanations of how calculations are performed in air emissions monitoring. The guides were written to aid Air Quality Officers and our clients to navigate this niche field of stack emissions testing. Our goal through this series is to help technical and non-technical readers understand the ins and outs of legitimate emissions testing. We want to be a part of helping others clean up our air!

Part 1: Gas Analysis of O2, SO2, NOX and CO

Learn the methods and equipment used to conduct compliant gas analysis.

Time to read: 15 min

Part 2: Isokinetic sampling

Learn the importance of sampling in an isokinetic manner for particulate matter.

Time to read: 20 min

Part 3: Report reviewing checklist

Uncover the 11 simple checks to ensure that emissions testing reports are compliant with NEMAQA.

Time to read: 3 min

Part 4: Oxygen References

Learn the importance of reference oxygen concentrations and the effect of excess air on combustion.

Time to read: 15 min

Part 5: Botswana Emissions

Watch our video to learn the difference between South Africa and Botswana’s legislation.

Time to watch: 37 min

Part 6: Converting PPM to mg/Nm3

Learn how to perform this conversion, obtain a table of short cuts, and watch the video.

Time to read and watch: 15 min

Part 7: Regulated Boiler Sizes

Learn how to distinguish between various boiler sizes, and how this applies to your business.

Time to read and watch: 8 min

Training Engineer

Caitlin Morris

(BSc Chem Eng, LLM)


sean charteris md

Sean Chateris

(BSc Chem Eng)
