National Atmospheric Emission Inventory System (NAEIS)

what is NAEIS?

The National Atmospheric Emission Inventory System (NAEIS) is an online reporting platform for criteria air pollutants which originate from South African industry, and which cause acute and chronic illness. NAEIS is housed within the South African Atmospheric Emissions Licensing and Inventory Portal (SAAELIP). NAEIS is not a reporting tool for greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs).

GHGs are reported on the South African Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting System (SAGERS), even though NAEIS was originally intended for GHG reporting when it was first conceived. The criteria pollutants which must be reported on NAEIS include particulate matter (PM, PM10, PM2.5), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO), amongst others.

Who can I speak to?

Sasha, Riyaal, and Matt would love to support you.

The NAEIS system was pioneered under the leadership of Dr Patience Gwaza and came online in 2015. Reporting on the NAEIS system is mandated by the National Atmospheric Emissions Reporting Regulations which were published under section 12 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (NEMAQA) in 2015. The objective of NAEIS reporting is to provide national government with accurate information on South Africa’s total emissions to aid South Africa in developing annual national emissions inventories. National pollutant inventories provide governments with essential data to monitor country-wide pollutant emissions, guiding air quality management interventions and informing the development of environmental policies.

NAEIS reports must be submitted by every facility that performs activities which require an Atmospheric Emissions Licence (AEL) and by every facility that operates controlled emitters. Controlled emitters include several appliances and processes, but most commonly refer to John Thompson package boilers that are fired on coal, heavy furnace oil (HFO), liquefied propane gas (LPG) or biomass (wood, pomace, seed husks etc), where these package boilers have a design rating that is > 10 MW of Net Heat Input (NHI) (i.e. 14 t/hr of steam production from and at 100˚C) .

NAEIS reporting takes place between the 01st of January and the 31st of March each year.

It is important that your NAEIS submission be correct, but it is easy to make a mistake. The NAEIS system requires that absolute emissions be reported in units of kilograms per annum (kg/a). However, your emissions report will state the emissions in concentration units of mg/Nm3, and will report these at a relevant reference oxygen concentration (e.g. 3 % for liquid fuels and 10 % for solid fuels). Avoid mistakes in converting these concentrations to absolute annual emissions by letting Yellow Tree perform your calculations and make your submission. All of our work is internally reviewed, and we have been working with the system since its inception in 2015, performing over 60 submissions each year.

The licencing authorities who review the NAEIS report may well have queries and reject your submission. Having performed your submission on your behalf, we are here to ensure that these objections are resolved when they arise in July and August each year, ensuring that your facility is compliant and taking the load off you.

Our team of Chemical Engineers at Yellow Tree are here to help. Please ask us for a quote to perform your NAEIS submission, so that you have peace of mind that you are compliant and that your emissions have been reported correctly.