Carbon Advisory
Carbon Tax Advisory
If your company is required to report GHG emissions, it is likely that you are also required to pay carbon tax. Yellow Tree can calculate and minimise your carbon tax liability, and can also assist with the submission on SARS’ eFiling.
Carbon Footprinting
Yellow Tree conducts carbon footprinting studies in accordance with the GHG Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a tax levied on importers that accounts for the difference between the lower carbon tax that was paid when the product was produced in its country of origin, and the higher carbon tax that would have been paid had the product been produced in the EU.
Greenhouse Gas Reporting
If your company triggers the activities that are listed in the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulations (NGERs), you are required to report your GHG emissions on the South African Greenhouse Gas Reporting System (SAGERS) before the 31st of March, annually.
Greenhouse Gas Verification
If a third party verification of your Greenhouse Gas calculations is required, we are here to assist. We hope to soon be listed as an accredited GHG verification house by the DFFE.
Decarbonisation Strategies
A decarbonisation strategy will help you map out your future fuel use goals and will help you reduce your carbon footprint and therefore your carbon tax.
Climate Change Impact Assessments
CCIAs evaluate how proposed projects both affect, and are affected by, climate change. CCIAs are a crucial component in the EIA’s of projects with significate climate change impacts.